MAX MEETS : Frank T. Shank

By : @TheBlogFAZ | MaxineWhereAreYouNow ™ (☝subscribe) The first time I met Frank T. Shank at Frank'N'Land Studios, I already knew I was in for a rollercoaster ride of a personality. Dressed in a dark gray suit with a pair of red Jordans, he was all business on the surface, and fast-talking hilarity in between audition takes. Despite his best efforts to have me also audition, I chose to sit the voiceover opportunity out. I, instead, opted to continue networking on the set with both seasoned and aspiring actors, all interested in landing a part with Hip Hop Meets EDM's new animation project : Lethal Silence . Before the audition event ended, I had a chance to briefly unpack more about Frank and his business adventures with Carl Neyland II (also of Frank'N'Land Studios). But as you may have guessed a brief overview of who Frank is and what he does wasn't going to be sufficient so we scheduled a meeting in Houston to further dig into who Fran...